February 9, 2023
• 2 Minute Read
Our Thrifty Thursday this week talks about everyone's guilty pleasure - Window Shopping. The best way to save money is to not entertain that notion at all. Simply, Stop Window Shopping! We're going to touch on 3 of the biggest areas to avoid while shopping.
1. Checkout Lanes
The worst - and I mean worst - problem most people encounter on their daily errands are impulse buys. You know, those items that stores purposely put up next to the checkout: the soda, the candy bars, the little gidgets & gadgets that make you think "only a buck or two won't hurt." But in the grand scheme of things, they do hurt a little. If you added up every time you go to the store and grab a pop on your way out, or something to snack on for the drive home, you've probably spent around $100 a year on those impulse buys.
If you go shopping with your spouse or kids, you might as well double or triple that figure. The best way to avoid such impulses is to either eat a big meal before you shop, or shop online.
2. Clearance Departments
This is another sketchy area to shop. Here's the scenario: You happen to be with a friend at the store. You don't necessarily need anything, however, your eye catches a clearance rack. Next thing you know, your cart (or your friend's cart) is now piled high with all the things you "think" you need to buy!
The best way to avoid this is to make a list and stick to it! See the tempting rack over there with orange, red or yellow discount tags? Keep on walking. The psychology behind this particular color theory is that Reds, Yellows, & Oranges evoke excitement and urgency. This causes you to think that if you don't buy it now, it will be gone tomorrow!
The more you "look," the more you're going to want to "buy." Get in & get out.
3. Anywhere You Have A Store Card
Yes, this is a BIG no-no when window shopping. Avoid anywhere that you may have a store credit card to. You happen to stop by that store & then remember you have a store charge card. You see this item that you just have to have. You've now entered the mindset that "oh, I'll just put it on my card & pay it off later." But later comes. And now you have a couple hundred dollars in frivolous charges on there. This will take a bit to pay off.
The best way to avoid this is to either wait in the car or opt to check out a less enticing store while shopping.
What Have We Learned?
The best ways to stop window shopping is to remove the temptation from your errands. Eat before you shop, to avoid unnecessary checkout lane splurges; stay away from clearance racks; and distance yourself from any place that you might have a store credit card to. And if you want to learn more about maintaining your budget and saving money, follow us here at creditsoup.com

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